Sunday, September 14, 2014

Saturday, Sunday, Monday

On Saturday evening we had Abby Diffonzo and Jo and Joel Carter over for supper, games, and a bonfire! They all got here around 5, and we ate chilly, garlic bread, (with jelly on top of course!) and chocolate pudding for dessert. 

On Sunday my brother Josh came to our church to do a talk about his month long trip to China. He also came home after potluck, as did Abby, Emily, Daniel and Andria. My favorite part about Sunday was playing Dutch Blitz with Abby, Ruth, Andria, and Josh. (if it makes you feel better Lydia and Esther, I lost!) 

Abby, Ruth, Caroline, Andria, Josh, Me

On Monday we watched my niece and nephews, Caroline, Gabe and Jack.  It was pretty cute when we would here them chattering about something and laughing. It always makes me happy when little people have fun together when they are just by themselves. :) At dinner time we fed them chilly, that was left from our night with Abby.
     After dinner I played with the kids outside. I pushed Caroline and Gabe on the swings, and retrieved Jack from both the parking lot and the slide.
     The whole day went quite well considering how it could have gone with three kids all four and under with no naps the day before! :)