Friday, January 23, 2015

January All Summed Up (almost! :)

The New Years Eve Dance!! 
Swing Dancing with Lydia
The Bunny Hop! 
New years church day

eating before  we swam and/or sledded! 

Esther, myself, Lydia 
warming up 

"Hang on Essie!! " 

Nathan's Big Birthday Bash 
The birthday boy inhaling his cupcake

All seven kids in the kitchen eating carrots.
(I wish I could remember what Josh and Daniel were talking about!) 
me and my very serious brothers! ;)

Geocaching with Ruth and Josiah

Josiah holding up the list of everyone who found it before us! 

adding our name to the list 

Josiah looking. 

AH HA!! 

I found it!! 

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

The Christmas Season

putting up the tree...
with Uncle Ben and Kolatches! 
 the christmas program
getting my ornament from Jerry 

christmas eve 

Gabe and his new treasures 

christmas day