Monday, November 24, 2014

Operation Christmas Child

About three weeks ago our church had our shoebox packing party! It was for Operation Christmas Child, an organization that puts together shoeboxes to send to needy children all over the world, ages two to fourteen. 
     We set tables up to organize the toys, hygiene items, and school supplies for each age group and both genders. 

 After each person went through the tables filling their shoebox,  they had to get through Lydia and I who inspected the boxes making sure they had the basics; like soap, toothbrush, pencils, candy, etc.  Abe and Esther then put the labels and rubber bands on the them.  It eventually got so hectic that we were literally up to our ears in boxes, tape, and labels!  Actually, no... not labels and tape, just the boxes, since we ran out of labels and tape almost immediately!  It got so chaotic that we all ended up inspecting and putting labels on, plus we had a couple other people help us out! 
All ready to inspect!

This is the place where they made their cards or letters to put in the boxes. 

When our evening was through, we ended up with 100 boxes!! Yay!!! :) That will be100 very happy kids who will receive them. 

Thursday, November 13, 2014

Halloween Dance

For the first time in my life I counted down the days until it was Halloween! There was a dance that night that we could dress up for if we wanted. Yay!! I had fun caking on the makeup, and putting on big jewelry for my costume.  If you can't tell, I'm a gypsy. Lydia is a German girl ( her grandma actually made her outfit! ) and Esther is a girl from the Civil War era.

all ready to go!

The Waldos 

four friends dressed as the four seasons 
A black cat
 Hobbit girl
 Laura Ingles 
Elsa from Frozen
Super Man
A lumber jack
A vampire
Cowgirl (Emily)
Waldo and Wendy (Ruth and Josiah)
Gypsy (Your truly!)
Cilvar War girl (Esther) 
German girl (Lydia)